Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Of God & Skepticism

I was born and raised in an environment that acknowledges the existence of God – my family practices Buddhism (more on Taoism). But for me, I wouldn’t say I’m an aficionado to my religion for I am, too, like many living souls, skeptical about the existence of God. Surely, none of us has ever seen, touched, smelt, or tasted God. Just because my parents told me the statues that I pray to existed in real long ago before I came in existence, I have no rights to question the authenticity of their words. In fact, I doubt they have evidential support for what they said. Very likely, they are just inheriting what they heard from their folks to me, just like many of you, no?


I have no guts to go against God, if that’s what you’re thinking.

Inasmuch as I am cynical when it comes to God, my inner instinct is sure that there is something powerful somewhere unseen which is probably watching over us day by day, perhaps controlling the twist and turn in the world.

[God is as invisible as thin air]

But I would dare critic if somebody claims that there are several different Gods. From my point of view, no religion has the authority to judge when it comes to who is the genuine God – everybody lives under the same human theory – we come, we play, and we leave. We are born via the same channel, we inhale the same oxygen, flow the same blood and of course, decompose the same way.

I don’t deny the freedom to practice different faiths, going along your traditions, beliefs and customs but what’s the point of arguing over who makes the true God? I believe every religion teaches similar fundamental values – the act of kindness, morality, and etc. And isn’t that what you should spread and utilize in your daily lives?

For whatever reason, I believe we humans should be united for we are uniquely created to be living on Earth. For whatever reason, I don’t see the need to incessantly pointing out our differences disregard to what extent skin colors, languages, food, beliefs and religions make us differ. Of course there are variations when it comes to the type of humans but we are dwelling on the same soil, maneuvered by the same power and for one thing I believe – something up there is fair. If only all of us could live in unison, and instead of emphasizing on how we differ, we put focus to combine power to make the world a better place; with that, harmony and peace would come naturally.

[Harmony] – without Malaysia?

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